Robert N. Kwong A Speaker at Nov. 6 CEQA Training Workshop
October 13, 2017
A to Z Law attorney Robert N. Kwong will be among the speakers at a training workshop hosted by the Association of Environmental Professionals called, “2017 CEQA Essentials: An Introduction & Intermediate Level Training Workshop.” Robert specializes in federal, state and local environmental law and has over 25 years of experience advising and representing public and private entities on California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) issues and compliance.
The event takes place in Santa Barbara Board of Supervisors hearing room, fourth floor, 105 E. Anapamu St., on Monday, Nov. 6, from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
This workshop provides attendees with a basic understanding of the fundamentals of CEQA and the state guidelines, and it includes intermediate-level practice pointers and case studies. The curriculum is developed specifically for people involved in the environmental review process, including consultants, regulators, applicants or industry professionals, and it will benefit those new to the field as well as mid-level practicing professionals.
Topics to be covered include:
- Understanding the statute and guidelines
- Responsibilities: Lead, Responsible, Trustee agencies and the role of the Consultant
- Determining the appropriate document – Exemptions, Negative Declarations, EIRs
- Adequacy of analysis and mitigation
- Findings
- Notices
Registration is open and includes all workshop materials, a continental breakfast, lunch and afternoon snacks. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Register online at